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Title: Development of recipes and estimation of the nutrient composition of cardio-protective fresh-mixes
Authors: Dzyuba, N.
Telezhenko, L.
Kashkano, M.
Vikul, S.
Priss, Olesia
Прісс, Олеся Петрівна
Присс, Олеся Петровна
Zhukova, Valentyna
Жукова, Валентина Федоровна
Жукова, Валентина Федорівна
Kiurcheva, Liudmyla
Кюрчева, Людмила Николаевна
Кюрчева, Людмила Миколаївна
Gaprindashvili, Nona
Гапріндашвілі, Нона Арчилівна
Гаприндашвили, Нона Арчиловна
Keywords: immune-stimulating beverage;mathematical modeling;biological activity;complex quality estimation
Issue Date: 2018
Series/Report no.: EUREKA: Life Sciences;№. 1 (С. 47-53)
Abstract: The aim of the work is the development of recipes of fresh-mixes with the balanced potassium-protein composition and expressed cardio- and protective properties. For creating recipes of cardio-protective fresh mixes, there was used linear programming in MS Excel redactor. The target function was the balanced P-protein composition. The potassium content was 148-190 g for 100 g of the ready beverage that covers in average 6-8 % of the daily potassium need in patients with cardio-vascular diseases. At the expanse of introducing glutin, beverages contain oxylizin and oxyproline in concentration 0,15…0,2 %. The energetic value of developed fresh-mixes was 58,8–64,6 kcal. There was determined biological activity of developed beverages by the index of non-enzymatic oxidation of NAD·Н2 to NAD. At the development of beverages, there was fixed the effect of synergism at the expanse of introducing the spicy-aromatic raw material – turmeric and the protein one – glutin. ALST test, based on changing microbiological and sensory indices at storage, demonstrated the optimal storage term 5 days at the temperature (5±1) °С in a hermetic package. Fresh-mixes, enriched with potassium and easily assimilated protein were developed for the first time. They can not only satisfy needs in these nutrients but favor production of own protein of the connective tissue, for keeping the healthy condition of the cardiac muscle.
URI: http://elar.tsatu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9596
Appears in Collections:Кафедра Харчові технологіі та готельно-ресторанна справа

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