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Title: Dynamics of the European hare populations (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) in the steppe zone of Ukraine
Authors: Volokh, Anatolii
Волох, Анатолій Михайлович
Волох, Анатолий Михайлович
Keywords: agrocoenoses;habitats;dynamics;Lepus europaeus;European hare;hunting;number;population;steppe zone;Ukraine
Issue Date: 2014
Series/Report no.: Beiträge zur Jagd & Wild forschung;Bd. 39 (Pp.369–379)
Abstract: Now in the steppe zone of Ukraine main habitats of the European hare are agrocoenoses, where over 73 % of these animals are recorded. Of this percentage, the highest number of animals (29.9 %) was counted on fields with winter crops (wheat and barley), 16.0 % – on arable lands, and 9.6 % – in plantations of perennial grasses. In the late 20th century in the south of Ukraine considerable areas were occupied with sunflower fields, which growing in the zone of risk agriculture brings high and stable profits. Even after harvesting, former sunflower plantations, where 9.9 % of animals were recorded, provide good shelter for the hares. Much fewer animals were found in vegetable gardens (4.2 %), fields with spring crops (2.1 %), maize (1.1 %), beetroot (0.7 %), melons and gourds (2.1 %), and in stubble-fields (2.0 %).In first years after World War II the hunting became a significant factor influencing on the European hare number in Ukraine. In 1946/47 in the country 2 mln 163 thou animals were bagged which was maximum for all the years of Soviet regime. Since the years mentioned, the number of hunted European hares decreased from 1 mln 680 thou (1947/48) to 450 thou (1952/53). After a catastrophic depression of 1971–1978 the European hare number in the steppe zone of Ukraine had been steadily increasing. However, after reaching its peak in 1996, it sharply reduced. At first, the reason of it was draught, and then – destruction processes developed in the country after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
URI: http://elar.tsatu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/4198
Appears in Collections:Кафедра Геоекологія та землеустрій

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