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ISSN: 2524-0714

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://elar.tsatu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17656
Title: Strategies for reducing postharvest losses of vegetables through integral assessment of antioxidant status.
Other Titles: Стратегії зменшення післязбиральних втрат овочів шляхом інтегральної оцінки антиоксидантного статусу.
Authors: Priss, Olesia
Прісс, Олеся Петрівна
Glowacki, Szymon
Keywords: Postharvest loss and waste;storage;vegetables;antioxidants;antioxidant system;edible coatings;hierarchy analysis meth
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Tallinn: Scientific Route OÜ
Citation: Priss O., Glowacki S. Strategies for reducing postharvest losses of vegetables through integral assessment of antioxidant status. Food technology progressive solutions : Collective monograph./ Priss O., Glowacki S., Kiurcheva L.et al.; Priss O. (Ed.). Tallinn: Scientific Route OÜ, 2024. Pp. 4 - 29. References 20
Abstract: ENG The global food system is facing a challenge due to high total food losses and waste, with the problem exacerbated by unpredictable events like pandemics and conflicts. The loss of fruit and vegetable products, particularly during storage, be comes a critical issue demanding attention and technological advancement. Reduc ing such losses will not only ensure a sustainable food resource, but also contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and efficient use of resources. Long-term and efficient storage of vegetable products is, however, a difficult task, since many vegetables have a short production and marketing cycle and perish quickly. After separation from the mother plant, vegetables are exposed to various stress factors that lead to the generation of reactive oxygen species, which are harmful to cells, but also act as signal messengers at low concentrations. The plant's antioxidant sys tem, comprising both low-molecular and high-molecular antioxidants, plays a crucial role in regulating the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and maintaining redox homeostasis. A well-functioning antioxidant system is important for preserving the quality of vegetables during storage and preventing postharvest disorders. The use of edible coatings with antioxidant properties is an effective strategy for maintaining the quality of vegetables during storage. However, it is important to note that high doses of antioxidants can potentially have a toxic effect, and their efficacy may vary depending on the concentration and type of vegetables. To strengthen the endoge nous antioxidant system, it's crucial to determine the concentrations of exogenous antioxidants that align with the endogenous pool of antioxidants in plant tissues and ensure the maintenance of the antioxidant status and the preservation of the quality of vegetables during the postharvest period. To assess the antioxidant status, we propose employing the method of analyzing hierarchies (AHP). The main draw back of AHP is its susceptibility to subjective evaluation judgments. This subjectivity can be eliminated by relying on experimental or analytical information about the quantitative indicators of the chemical composition, correlations between the com ponents of the antioxidant system and with markers of oxidative stress. This study introduces the method of integral assessment of the antioxidant status of vege tables using the hierarchy analysis method. The integral assessment was conduc ted on three varieties of asparagus with different colors. We suggest adjusting the concentration of antioxidants in the composition of edible coatings based on the de termined antioxidant status of vegetables. This approach ensures the prevention of product losses during an extended shelf life.|||||||||||||||||UKR:Нанесення їстівних покриттів з антиоксидантними властивостями є ефективною стратегією збереження якості овочів під час зберігання. Щоб зробити усвідомлений вибір концентрації екзогенних антиоксидантів у харчових покриттях, рекомендується оцінити антиоксидантний статус продукту. Розроблено метод інтегральної оцінки антиоксидантного статусу овочів за допомогою аналітичного ієрархічного процесу. Приклад такої інтегральної оцінки наведено для трьох сортів спаржі різного кольору.
URI: http://elar.tsatu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17656
ISBN: ISBN 978-9916-9850-4-5 (електронна книга); ISBN 978-9916-9850-5-2 (EPUB)
DOI: DOI: 10.21303/978-9916-9850-4-5.ch1
Appears in Collections:Кафедра Харчові технологіі та готельно-ресторанна справа

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