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ISSN: 2524-0714

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Title: Мотиваційна складова в системі адміністративного управління персоналом підприємств
Other Titles: Motivational component in the system of administrative personnel management of enterprises
Authors: Бочарова, Наталія Олександрівна
Бочарова, Наталья Александровна
Bocharova, Nataliia
Keywords: ділове адміністрування;механізм управління підприємств;система менеджменту підприємств;мотиваційний механізм;система мотивації праці;персонал;business administration;enterprise management mechanism;enterprise management system;motivational mechanism;labor motivation system;personnel
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: Збірник наукових праць ТДАТУ імені Дмитра Моторного (економічні науки);№ 1 (41) (С. 167-173)
Abstract: UK: В статті проаналізовано та обґрунтовано теоретичні підходи до обґрунтування діючих важе-лів мотивування персоналу в сенсі розподілу загальної системи управління підприємством на підсистему адмі-ністрування та підсистему менеджменту. EN: Any organization is an independent market entity that objectively generates its economic, social and other needs and interests in the team. Individual groups, organizations, based on functional activities, solve different problems with varying degrees of complexity, complexity and intensity. All this creates different needs and interests in different groups of the workforce. Therefore, incentives to work should be different. However, all the company's staff is its only key force, which must move at the same pace and in the same direction. Therefore, the system of interests and needs should be a generalized basis, a balanced mechanism underlying the overall mechanism of enterprise management. It is the motivation of work is the dominant mechanism of influence on staff. Only management that takes into account the diversity of the set of individual, group and organizational interests will be effective. And this whole range of interests, needs and incentives in today's conditions should be placed in a single common plane of the mechanism of enterprise management, namely in the system of administration of enterprises, institutions and organizations. Balanced administrative decisions that prove how effective the mechanism of forming motivating motives for highly productive work, increasing intellectual potential, and mastering the market mentality will be. The administrator at the enterprise sets the rules of the game, standards, norms, formulates policy, i.e., in fact is the legislature of the enterprise and organization, and the manager performs executive functions in management. Therefore, the administrator makes strategic management decisions in the organization, when the manager makes decisions within the decisions and norms established by administrators. There are many views on the division of basic management functions between managers and administrators. The system of administrative personnel management answers the questions: how it is necessary to work, how employees build relationships with managers and colleagues, how work is paid and stimulated, how managers properly manage subordinates.
URI: http://elar.tsatu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13608
Appears in Collections:Кафедра Менеджменту та публічного адміністрування

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