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ISSN: 2524-0714

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Title: Удосконалення методики оцінки трудового потенціалу сучасного підприємства
Other Titles: Improvement of the methodology of estimation of labor potential of modern enterprise
Authors: Васильченко, Олена Олегівна
Васильченко, Елена Олеговна
Vasylchenko, Olena
Баєва, О. І.
Keywords: трудовий потенціал;розвиток;вартість;якість;гудвіл кадрового потенціалу;інтегральна величина трудового потенціалу;labor potential;development;cost;quality;goodwill of personnel potential;integral value of labor potential
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Мелітополь: ТДАТУ
Series/Report no.: Збірник наукових праць ТДАТУ: економічні науки;№ 3 (35) (C.296-308)
Abstract: UK: Стаття присвячена проблемі розвитку трудового потенціалу підприємства. Наголошено на існуванні відсутності єдиного підходу до виміру та оцінювання трудового потенціалу підприємства. Зроблено акцент на методику оцінки вартості кадрового потенціалу аналізованого підприємства. Доведено, що важли- вим елементом трудового потенціалу підприємства є індивідуальний трудовий потенціал працівника. EN: The problem of the development of labor potential is constantly in the focus of the leading scientists of the country and leaders of modern enterprises. In the course of the research, it was discovered that modern scientists have not identified a unified approach to measuring and evaluating the labor potential of the enterprise. The most difficult is the definition of a qualitative component of labor potential. It is revealed that the development of labor potential involves demographic, psycho-physiological, intellectual, cultural development of the population for the formation of its economic activity. It is determined that due to different potentials of labor collectives, each enterprise has its own characteristics in the sources and the nature of their formation. The possibility of applying two methods of estimating the labor potential of the enterprise is considered. The first is to determine the real market value of an employee as a specific person. The second - helps assess the worker by the experts of the same company. The basis of the first methodology is the calculation of the coefficient "Goodwill personnel potential of the employee." Indicators that can be used to assess the goodwill of the personnel potential are selected at the discretion of the company's management. In accordance with the second method, the assessment of the labor potential is carried out on a certain scale on the basis of an anonymous questionnaire, which specifies the person-sines and professional qualities of the employee. It is concluded that the Goodwill coefficients and peer review will allow the management of the enterprise to substantially increase the level of payment of employees of the enterprise more than twice. The study showed that the combination of two methods of assessing labor potential will allow the enterprise to create a friendly team that will be interested in the results of their work.
URI: http://elar.tsatu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6979
Appears in Collections:Кафедра Економіки і бізнесу

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