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Title: Study of a push-pull plough combination
Authors: Nadykto, Volodymyr
Надикто, Володимир Трохимович
Надыкто, Владимир Трофимович
Kiurchev, Volodymyr
Кюрчев, Володимир Миколайович
Кюрчев, Владимир Николаевич
Beloev, Hristo
Kistechok, Oleksandr
Кістечок, Олександр Дмитрович
Кистечок, Александр Дмитриевич
Keywords: ploughing;combination;push-pull;front-mounted plough;productivity;fuel consumption
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Tavria state agrotechnological university
Series/Report no.: Journal of agriculture and environment;Vol. 1, № 1 (P. 4-8)
Abstract: The article presents the results of the study of two plough combinations. One of them included a ХТЗ-16131 tractor, a front-mounted double mouldboard plough and arear-mounted four-furrow plough (Push-pull combination ‘2 + 4’).The second combination consisted of the same tractor and five-furrow rear-mounted plough (‘0 + 5’combination). According to the experimental data, the working width of ‘2 + 4’ unit was 20.9% higher than the working width of ‘0 + 5’ unit. And although the working speed of the first combination turned out to be 1.5% lower, due to the width advantage the productivity of its work was higher by 19.5%. As a result, the specific fuel consumption of the ‘2 + 4’ unit was lower. Fuel economy made up 11.5 per cent under the conditions of the field experiment. The average square deviation of the ploughing depth in both compared combinations did not exceed agrotechnical requirements (± 2 cm) and made up ± 1.98 cm for ‘0 + 5’ unit and ± 1.52 cm for ‘2 + 4’ unit. At the same time, the indicated difference between these statistical characteristics (± 1.98 cm and ± 1.52 cm) is not accidental. On these grounds it can be assumed that application of the Push-pull ‘2 + 4’plough combination ensures soil cultivation providing better uniformity of the plough motion in depth.
URI: http://elar.tsatu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/4597
Appears in Collections:Кафедра Експлуатації та технічного сервісу машин

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