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ISSN: 2524-0714

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Title: Theoretical simulation of parameters of cleaning sugar beet heads from remnants of leaves by flexible blade
Authors: Bulgakov, Volodymyr
Булгаков, Володимир Михайлович
Булгаков, Владимир Михайлович
Golovach, I.
Ivanovs, S.
Ihnatiev, Yevhen
Ігнатьєв, Євген Ігорович
Игнатьев, Евгений Игоревич
Keywords: sugar beet;root crop head;blade;rational parameters
Issue Date: 2017
Series/Report no.: 16th International scientific conference “Engineering for rural development";Vol. 16
Abstract: In our previous works we obtained analytical dependencies characterising the impact interaction that arises when the heads of the root crops are cleaned from the remnants of tops (leaves) by means of a flexible cleaning blade. In order to find a more perfect and complete result, which could be used by the designers of sugar beet harvesting machines, the research in this technological process needs to be continued in the direction of numerical simulation of the dependencies on the PC. In accordance with the compiled programme of numerical calculations in the Mathcad system, numerical calculations were executed of the kinematic and design parameters of a flexible cleaning blade depending on the design parameters of the cleaning blade, the physical and mechanical properties of the sugar beet tops (leaves) and conditions of cleaning without extracting the roots themselves from the soil. On the basis of the results of calculations graphical dependencies were built of the angular velocity ω of the rotational movement of the flexible cleaning blade upon the indicated parameters of the cleaner, allowing estimation of their optimal value.
URI: http://elar.tsatu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3400
Appears in Collections:Кафедра Експлуатації та технічного сервісу машин

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