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ISSN: 2524-0714

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Title: Theory of vibrations of sugar beet leaf harvester front-mounted on universal tractor
Authors: Bulgakov, Volodymyr
Булгаков, Володимир Михайлович
Булгаков, Владимир Михайлович
Adamchuk, V.
Nozdrovicky, L.
Ihnatiev, Yevhen
Ігнатьєв, Євген Ігорович
Игнатьев, Евгений Игоревич
Keywords: sugar beet;beet tops;rotary cutting mechanism;universal wheel-type tractor;vibrations;differential equations
Issue Date: 2017
Series/Report no.: Acta Technologica Agriculturae;Issue 4
Abstract: The harvest and transport of sugar beet leaves during harvesting can be considered a current task in the area of sugar beet growing system development. A rotary sugar beet leaf cutting mechanism is used for achieving the significant increase in the harvester forward speed during harvest. This leads to intensive vibrations of the topping mechanism in the longitudinal vertical plane causing the decrease of harvest quality. Therefore, it is necessary to analytically determine the effect of kinematic and design parameters of the sugar beet topping mechanism front-mounted on the tractor and to discover the value of the amplitude of oscillations in the longitudinal vertical plane of its sugar beet topping mechanism. We have constructed a mathematical model of the estimated motion of this machine by means of dynamics equations in Lagrange II-kind form. A system consisting of two non-linear differential equations was obtained by developing the equivalent scheme of selected generalized coordinates and by performing the necessary mathematical transformations. This system describes the vibrations of the sugar beet topping mechanism in the longitudinal vertical plane. The optimal design and kinematic parameters of the sugar beet topper mechanism front-mounted on the tractor were determined by means of our own software and numerical solution of the differential equation system, which allows the reduction of mentioned vibrations.
URI: http://elar.tsatu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3383
Appears in Collections:Кафедра Експлуатації та технічного сервісу машин

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