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ISSN: 2524-0714

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dc.contributor.authorKolisnychenko, Tetiana;-
dc.contributor.authorКолісниченко, Тетяна Олександрівна-
dc.contributor.authorSefikhanova, Kateryna-
dc.identifier.citationKolisnychenko T., Sefikhanova K. Crafting fermented pepper-based hot sauces. Food technology progressive solutions : Collective monograph./ Priss, O., Glowacki, S., Kiurcheva, L.et al.; Priss, O. (Ed.). Tallinn: Scientific Route OÜ, 2024. Pp.169 – 187. References 17uk
dc.identifier.isbnISBN 978-9916-9850-4-5 (електронна книга); ISBN 978-9916-9850-5-2 (EPUB)-
dc.description.abstractENG: In today's business environment in the food industry, business entities need to focus on improving and diversifying the range of products and dishes offered on the consumer food market. This requires the development and implementation of inno vative technologies in production, focusing not only on the nutritional value of pro ducts, but also on their usefulness and compliance with individual consumer needs. Currently, the creation of a variety of new products to improve the nutritional status of humans is a timely and relevant issue facing food scientists. Food technologies use functional ingredients with enhanced protective and improved technological properties. The article analyzes the essence of the technology of craft hot sauces, systematizes the theoretical basis and methodological developments on the information base on the technology of production of craft hot sauces for restaurant business enterprises in modern economic conditions. A corresponding analysis of the principles, features and practical experience of craft production of hot sauces is carried out. A compara tive analysis of the technology for the production of craft hot sauces by characteristic properties is carried out. Based on the results of the scientific research, the advantages of using innovative technologies for the production of hot sauces in craft production are determined. The importance of taking into account changes in tastes and consu mer priorities in the nutrition of visitors to restaurant establishments is emphasized. Comprehensive studies allow to state with confidence that the use of available vegetable raw materials and raw materials with high nutritional value allows expand ing the range of craft sauces for restaurant business enterprises. It is proved that when creating new compositions of hot sauces to ensure the gua rantee of their production with the necessary structural, mechanical and organoleptic properties, the choice and justification of the use of natural resource raw materials for the recipe ingredients, their rational combination are taken into account.||||||Ukr:У цьому дослідженні розглядається технологія крафтового гострого соусу, організовуються теоретичні та методологічні досягнення та пропонується розуміння методів виробництва для ресторанної індустрії. Він заглиблюється в принципи, особливості та практичний досвід крафтового виробництва гострих соусів, наголошуючи на перевагах застосування інноваційних технологій у цьому секторі.uk
dc.publisherTallinn: Scientific Route OÜuk
dc.subjectraft productionuk
dc.subjecthot pepperuk
dc.subjectbiological valueuk
dc.subjectfunc tional propertiesuk
dc.subjectorganoleptic indicatorsuk
dc.subjectкрафтовий гострий соусuk
dc.subjectресторанна індустріяuk
dc.subjectферментований перецьuk
dc.titleCrafting fermented pepper-based hot sauces.uk
dc.title.alternativeПриготування гострих соусів на основі ферментованого перцю.uk
local.identifier.doiDOI: 10.21303/978-9916-9850-4-5.ch7uk
Appears in Collections:кафедра Харчові технологіі та готельно-ресторанна справа

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