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ISSN: 2524-0714

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Title: Stand for press works
Authors: Suliz, Y.
Scientific director: Дашивець, Галина Іванівна
Dashyvets, Halyna
Keywords: stationary presses;stationary version;hydraulic pumping station
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Запоріжжя : 2024
Citation: Suliz Y., Dashyvets Н. Stand for press works. Технічне забезпечення інноваційних технологій в агропромисловому комплексі : матеріали IV Міжнар. наук.-практ. конференції молодих учених (Запоріжжя, 05-29 лютого 2024 р.). Запоріжжя : ТДАТУ, 2024. С. 45.
Abstract: UA: The technological process of machine repair is associated with the performance of a large volume of disassembly and assembly work. Up to 35% of the disassembly and assembly operations are for pressing and unpressing various joints and connections. Various types of presses are used to perform these works. According to the principle of operation, they can be both mechanical (rail and screw), and hydraulic, pneumatic. The drive of the presses can be machine (all specified types of presses) and manual (mechanical and hydraulic) [1]. The forces that these presses develop can range from 1 to 100 kN. As a rule, the direction of action of the working rod of universal presses is vertical from top to bottom. Presses are installed stationary. The main disadvantage of stationary presses is the inconvenience of installing large-sized parts and machine assemblies on them, so in such cases it is better to use presses with remote power elements.
URI: http://elar.tsatu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17529
UDC: 621.3
Appears in Collections:Публікації здобувачів (бакалаврів. магістрів, аспірантів)

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