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ISSN: 2524-0714

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Title: The main tasks of the reconstruction of repair enterprises
Authors: Shirochkin, V.
Scientific director: Дашивець, Галина Іванівна
Dashyvets, Halyna
Keywords: developing advanced technological processes;production methods;labor productivity
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Запоріжжя : 2024
Citation: Shirochkin V., Dashyvets Н. The main tasks of the reconstruction of repair enterprises. Технічне забезпечення інноваційних технологій в агропромисловому комплексі : матеріали IV Міжнар. наук.-практ. конференції молодих учених (Запоріжжя, 05-29 лютого 2024 р.). Запоріжжя : ТДАТУ, 2024. С. 40.
Abstract: EN: The reconstruction of an operating enterprise involves complete or partial re-equipment and refitting according to a single project of operating divisions of the main production purpose without their expansion or new construction, but with the construction of new and, if necessary, expansion of existing auxiliary and service facilities [1]. The reconstruction project is developed after an inspection of the existing repair enterprise. The purpose of the survey is to identify and analyze the production, energy, material, financial and human reserves of the enterprise, as well as to obtain initial data for design. The examination of each building and structure establishes their physical and moral deterioration. Survey of the production activity of the main sites of the enterprise consists in the collection of materials characterizing the existing technological process, operating equipment and technical and economic efficiency of production. Reconstruction of the enterprise, as a rule, involves the replacement of obsolete and physically worn equipment with new, more advanced and productive ones.
URI: http://elar.tsatu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17525
UDC: 631.173
Appears in Collections:Публікації здобувачів (бакалаврів. магістрів, аспірантів)

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