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ISSN: 2524-0714

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Title: Кібершахрайства та кібербезпека у банківській сфері
Other Titles: Cyber ship and cyber security in the banking sphere
Authors: Баханова, М. В.
Синяєва, Людмила Василівна
Синяева, Людмила Васильевна
Syniaieva, Liudmyla
Keywords: інформаційні загрози;інформаційні технології;інформаційна безпека;цифрові технології;кібершахрайство;кібербезпека;information threats;information technologies;information security;digital technologies;cyber fraud;cybersecurity
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: Збірник наукових праць ТДАТУ імені Дмитра Моторного (економічні науки);№ 1 (41) (С. 5-12)
Abstract: UK: Статтю присвячено проблемі незаконного використання інформаційних систем у банківській сфері. Розглянуто основні популярні кібершахрайські атаки у фінансовій сфері і принципи протидії їм. Даються рекомендації щодо захисту від кібератак як фізичним особам, так і превентивно в масштабах державного адміністрування. EN: The article is devoted to the problem of illegal use of information systems in the banking sector. The anal-ysis shows the lack of information security and data protection in information and telecommunications systems of gov-ernment agencies due to the obsolescence of automatic systems for detecting and assessing information threats, failure to use the potential for forecasting and anticipation of threats to prepare the system for possible attack. The main popu-lar cybershake attacks in the financial sphere and the principles of counteracting them are considered. The author believes that it is necessary to create a favorable legal environment that will involve leading experts in the field of cy-bersecurity, as well as to promote the creation of a national information system, platform and products to reduce the share of foreign cybersecurity software used by public authorities. management. The types and the most common types of cybercrime are considered in detail - namely: skimming, carding, phishing (SMS phishing and Internet phishing), vishing, skimming, shimming, online fraud, piracy, refilling and others. There are recommendations for protection against cybercrime, as well as ways to protect against fraud, which can significantly minimize the risk of loss of bank codes and security passwords that the bank sends to the client to confirm financial transactions. Thus, it is safe to say that cyber fraud and cybercrime are the main problems of the XXI century, the solution of which requires modern methods, active, decisive measures and timely regulatory response, and the rapid development of digital technologies has caused significant growth and spread of cyber fraud and cybercrime. It is to be hoped that the level of security in Ukraine's Internet space will soon increase significantly. Only a concerted effort can counter this threat to the 21st century.
URI: http://elar.tsatu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13539
Appears in Collections:кафедра Менеджмент

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